Glass Sculpture: Art in Your Living Room

glass sculpture

You can bring art glass sculpture into your home without it stealing all the limelight.

When people think about glass sculpture they often think of large installations which are more befitting of a large manor house or office mezzanine. Not true!

Yes glass sculpture can mean a big work of art in a park but it can also mean a delightful glass ornament that will make a great centrepiece or sing from a sill or shelf.

Our hand crafted glass sculptures are as beautiful as any art installation, yet, at a fraction of the size and price. Whereas a glass sculpture for a commercial premises is likely to be between £15,000 and a couple of million, ours cost from £200 to £400. Our most expensive £400 piece is by Vlastislav Janacek who also designs large sculptures that sell for around $5000 to $16,000 each (see featured image for an example of his sculptural work).

sculptural glass

Many people are shocked at the quality of our glass sculptural work and cannot believe we are able to deliver artworks of this high standard for the price. When we were talking to the Mail on Sunday team they were literally stunned at the price tags.

People see the images on the website and think they can’t possibly look that good ‘in the flesh’ but the majority of our photos are taken by me on the study table with a white backdrop and lights that I bought off of Amazon for £30!

anubis glass sculpture“Oh well, you would say that, it’s your company!” I hear you shout, but don’t just take our word for it, you can read what our customers have to say here.

Don’t think you have to break the bank to start your art glass collection and remember that a good piece of art glass is a far better investment than having your money in the bank in a savings account. By buying a good piece of glass sculpture you get to enjoy beauty every day and enjoy the fact that it is steadily rising in value every year. Definitely a win win situation!

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